Frequently Asked Questions

What is AutomotiveMechanic.org?

AutomotiveMechanic.org is the definitive website where you can download a lot of manuals, courses, catalogs, specalogs, videos, photos & more totally free about Car Mechanic.

How to download a file?

You can download a file following the next instructions:

  • Clic over the book.
  • Clic over the download button.
  • Wait a moment and select where save.

What is a Manual?

The articles with Manual title are documents what contains info about workshops, tutorials, investigations, academic work, university thesis…

What is a Course?

The articles with Course title are documents what contains info about presentations, seminars, training courses, slides…

What is a Catalog?

The articles with Catalog or Specalog title are documents what contains info about features, overview, walk-around, specifications…

What is a Material?

The articles with Material title are documents what contains info about technical data, specific information, work material…


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